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Adam Miller Ruined Opening Day

Today was supposed to be a great day. The Bluejays just beat the Yankees on the first day of baseball. After that, I was in such a baseball mood my roommate and I even tossed around the ball. It was a great afternoon. Then I go onto Twitter and see this shit.

What the heck.

This news is very shocking. Miller was a Freshman who started every game and slowly improved over time. It is not like he was not playing at all or even getting the ball.

Illini nation twitter is in disbelief. Some think he is pulling an April fools joke on us. That would be very mean if he was. Even Illinois legend Dee Brown thinks this is a joke

Ace was supposed to be the man next year with Ayo going to the NBA. He and Belo could have been one of the best frontcourts in all of basketball.

The only reason I see him transferring is that Illinois is about to get a big recruit or a big transfer and, Miller did not want to compete for the spot. The other reason I could see him transferring and, this is just a thought, but because he was not playing at the end of games. He was on the bench where other Freshman Andre Curbelo was playing. That could be totally incorrect but, it is just a thought.

The Illinois team from this season is going to look way different next year. Trent and Monte could be gone because they are seniors. Ayo will be in the NBA draft, Kofi will put his name into the draft. Hopefully, Kofi comes back for one more year. Now no Miller. That could be 4 out of the 5 starters gone.

This is Belo's team. He has definitely earned it too. He had a way better freshman year than I expected. He balled out when Ayo was hurt and, he made big plays. Belo > Adam (Ace) Miller.

So, thank you, Adam miller for ruining my day and every other Illini basketball fan as well. Glad you got your Big 10 championship ring and dipped. Hopefully, Illinois plays whatever team you are on next year and, they bust your ass just like they did to Mark Smith.


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