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Some people do not know when it is time to hang it up. Tim Tebow is one of those people. After his first stint in the NFL did not work out he went and tried to pursue a career in baseball. The Mets signed him and he made it all the way to triple-A. Earlier this year Tebow announced he was retiring from baseball. Everyone thought he would just go back into the media.

Then reports came out earlier this year that Tebow was working out with his former college coach Urban Meyer. Not as quarterback though... As a tight end. Tebow has never played tight end in NFL or College.

Maybe this is Meyer just returning a favor for Tebow for the glory years at Florida. Who knows what is going to happen and if Tebow will even make the team.

Tebow is now 33, I find it very improbable that he will make the roster. This, is probably going to motivate him though with everyone saying he can't do it.

I wonder what type of tight end Tebow will be. Is he going to be more of a blocking tight end because I find it hard having a former quarterback and outfielder trying to chop block a linebacker or D-line? If he is more of a route running tight end is he still as fast as he once was? Will he even be able to get open?

There are a million questions about this. It will be very interesting to see even if Tebow does make it.

Also, will there be a controversy between Tebow and Lawrence because Tebow is Urban's guy. Also, who is going to have the hype speech in the huddle? Tebow can get anyone to run through a brick wall I would rather have him hyping me up than Trevor Lawrence.

No matter what though he will be there during the pre-season and I would absolutely lose it if he got a touch down and then did his famous celebration "The Tebow".

This is going to be an interesting story to see play out over time. Maybe we will see Tim Tebow in a real NFL game.


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